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Reference FCO 7/1834
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Briefs for Prime Minister's visit to United Nations, 19-24 October(1970)
Description Brief on US trade policy and protectionism. The Trade Bill that if passed by the Senate and signed by President Nixon will swing the US away from a liberal trade policy towards protectionism and the possible implications for the UK on Textiles. Brief by the UK Treasury on the World Economic and Financial situation and the UK economy. Brief by the Ministry of agriculture, Fisheries and Food on British Agricultural Policy: Agricultural Levies. Brief by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on China, the UN, the next Secretary General of the UN, the Persian Gulf, communist influence in Latin America, the organisation of UN specialised agencies, arms control and disarmament, UN peacekeeping, finances of the UN, steering brief for talk with U Thant plus a biographical note on Secretary General of the UN U Thant as well as a biographical note on Ambassador Eduard Hambro of Norway President of the XXVth session of the UN General Assembly, brief for Prime Minister's meeting with Italian Prime Minister on European integration, NATO and the defence of Europe, European Security Conference, Multi-Role Combat Aircraft, Malta, Soviet presence in the Mediterranean, Arms to South Africa, Libya. Brief by South East Asian Department on Indo-China. Brief by the Home Office on Northern Ireland.
Date 1970
Collection The Nixon Years, 1969-1974
Region North America
Countries United States, United Kingdom, Malta
Places Abu Dhabi; Africa; Argentina; Australia; Belgium; Britain; Cambodia; Canada; Caribbean; Chile; China; Cuba; Cyprus; Czechoslovakia; Denmark; Europe; Geneva; Germany; Hanoi; Iceland; India; Indonesia; Iran; Ireland; Irish Republic; Israel; Italy; Japan; Korea; Kuwait; Laos; Latin America; Libya; Malta; Mediterranean; Mexico; Middle East; New Zealand; Northern Ireland; Norway; Senegal; South Africa; South Vietnam; Soviet Union; Thailand; United Kingdom; United States of America; Vietnam
People Heath, Edward; Stewart, Michael; Thant, U
Topics Agriculture; Aid; Arab; Arms; Balance of Payments; Centrifuge Project; Chemical and Biological Warfare; Civil rights; Common Market; Communist; Congress; Defence; Democratic Party; Department of State; Detente; Disarmament; Draft; Economy; Education; Elections; Energy; Environment; European integration; European Security; Exports; Expropriation; foreign policy; Free trade; Health; Hijacking; Home Office; Inflation; International Civil Aviation Organisation; International Monetary Fund; Irish Republican Army (IRA); Isolationism; Japanese; Law and Order; Levies; Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions (MBFR); North Atlantic Treaty Association (NATO); Nuclear Weapons; Oil; organisation; Pacification; Paris Peace Talks; Payments; Pollution; Protectionism; Protectionist; Race; Recession; Refugees; State Department; Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties; Strikes; Taxation; Textiles; The Nine; Trade; Trade Bill; Trade policy; Treasury; Troop withdrawal; troops; Unemployment; United Nations; United Nations General Assembly; Vice President; Wages; Warsaw Pact; Western European Union; withdrawal; World Health Organisation (WHO)|"World Health Organisation"
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